School is out. I've survived my first year of teaching. Woo hoo! Although, it turned out to be much more bittersweet than expected. Especially after a skit was performed in my honor, my feelings turned more to sad. In general I've enjoyed the whole of the staff at Sylvester. A select few have become closer friends and some touched me very much. Those are the hardest to leave. I hope that they know how much they did for me and how much their kindness was appreciated.

That being said, here are a few photos from the last days of Sylvester...
Closing has now moved to April 26th, not the 23rd. It's reasonable, and while it pushes back all our plans a weekend, we're still excited. Have to find a new day to move our stuff but now that we don't have to do the repairs it's not quite as stressful.

The bank is getting Stainless Whirlpool appliances (said they were required to get Whirlpool?), so that's good news. The amount we're NOW getting back at closing is a little lower but it should all still work out. Can't wait!

I've been looking and Credenzas on craigslist and see SO many that would fix up great, like below (a steal for $100):
That's my latest kick. That and old chandeliers that I can paint a fun color... Too bad the mister can't see my "vision."

Monday back to school ended with a headache, no surprise there. But, it's almost like I never left, so we're back at it again!

50 Days Left!!
Well, 100 people looked at my inspiration boards and I only got 1 feedback post. You must have to be in the D&R "in crowd." :)

I've been off on spring break for the last week and it's back to the grindstone tomorrow! Per usual, I have a pit in my stomach. It's been quite a school year and I'm ready for it to be over (only 50 more days!). I know once I get back into it it won't be so bad. I'll survive!

Of course my last day was my most productive as far as packing and moving. We have "most" stuff in boxes, which we moved into the garage that's not attached to us -- it'll be easier to move into the van. I hope I can be productive and have everything but the big furniture in there to make it easy on all our helpers. Can't wait!