Well, I haven't posted in a while because I lacked an internet connection. And it's been quite a busy couple of weeks. Every night I try to go to bed early but find lots of projects. Today I will post some pictures showing the HUGE progress we've made so far. We can even park both cars in the garage!

My to-do list for tonight
- Hang living room curtains (had to buy a longer curtain rod..)
- Spray paint lamp for living room
- unpack boxes from office

We got 2 apothecary jars last night for the mantle, and I love them. I even love them empty, but any ideas of what I could fill them with?? Some light and bright.

I'm also trying to find a simple black office desk. I found this one at overstock.com, but the reviews say it's more of a red-brown, which just won't do. Suggestions? $250 is about my max.

More to come. Can't wait to post pictures!
5/11/2010 04:51:18 am

Hmmm. I like the look of lemons or limes but you have to replace those... Here are some suggestions I found online:

rock salt, sugar crystals, hard candy, marbles, dominoes, small toy metal cars, match books, tongue depressors bubble gum, potpourri

Some are better than others... maybe some of those decorative balls or clear flat marbles? I'll keep thinking :-)


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