I am mid-way through painting our master bedroom and covering up the bright periwinkle ways forever. Benjamin Moore Horizon Gray (matched by Glidden at HD) if you must know.

Things I have learned from my painting expedition:

- I need to keep chapstick on me at all times while painting because I tend to lick my lips and stick out my tongue while I paint - especially the ceiling.

- Blue tape is only partially protective from paint.

- I need to time myself as motivation to paint. Otherwise I do half a wall and take a break (like i am right now)

- Painting in booty shorts is the way to go - it's much easier to maneuver, and also easier to get wet paint off of legs than pants.

Well, back to painting. I'm thinking I'll get lunch after I put coat 1 on the biggest walls... Happy Painting!
7/29/2010 12:41:35 am

You didn't post a pic of the booty shorts??


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