So, apparently this blog was just a way to stave off summer teacher boredom because I haven't posted since things picked up around these parts! Last week I was in a math training conference all week and was occupied with various social activities in the evening. This week was spent in the classroom and doing the whole school-year kick-off stuff. Now we start in 5 days and I can't believe it.

I hope to get a picture post up from Montana, my classroom, and the new family companion (my mother got a rescue dog, found by my mother-in-law and she is the sweetest dog I"ve ever met!

Anyway, just a short post - no one reads anymore. But hi!
8/27/2010 02:21:10 am

HI! I read it. I check every day. (Was that a good enough plug?)And yes, she is the sweetest dog ever.

8/28/2010 01:51:22 am

Hey, I read this!


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