Today was a stereotypical Mondays-are-blah Monday. I had my first official observation with the principal at my new school, even though she's dropped in several times before. It was nerve-wracking because it was a Monday morning with pretty low kids doing a lesson they did the previous year. So. We'll see how the post-observation meeting goes. I know that I am a capable teacher, but my personality requires me to really sweat stuff like this and doubt my abilities. This is the beginning of my second year and this is a whole new ballgame at this school. So we'll see.

I also got a lovely email from a parent of a student that is sometimes distracting saying that he needs to be consulted when I move his student because it has a stigma attached to it but that I need to move him to an alternative environment if he is distracting. Another contradictory statement was about how I need to be in tune to his needs but that he is learning to be independent. It is going to be difficult to not sound like I have an attitude when we meet with this parent. "umm, I am confused about how I'm supposed to give him an alternative environment if I can't move him for fear of embarrassing him?" We shall see.

In decorating news, things are going great. We put 2 long white floating shelves in our dining room where our (hideous) hoosier used to be. I'm still playing around with how to decorate it without it seeming too busy.

We also got our nightstands in the mail from last week. I am so happy with them. The tops are a gray-ish oak (think barnwood) and the frame is a dark metal. They are the perfect size and keep with our spa-like feel we're going for. We also got some office organizers to put on top of the nightstands to make them more practical (since there are no drawers on these). I got a 2-drawer letter-sized box and John picked a smaller card file-type box and a bin to put under the table. They're creme-colored and have the metal label slots on the front: they looks stylish! Only a few buckaroonies from Walmart!
10/20/2010 05:07:31 am

And this is the part where you post pics of your bedroom :-)


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