So, thanks to my former co-worker and awesome-in-general Beth, I have come across the perfect planners. These are very popular, so I'm probably not telling you anything new, but Moleskine planners are the best! I used a softcover 12-month one half-way through last year since I had been using a dumb $1 Teacher Planbook that had apples all over it. I didn't want to bring that to staff meetings. I also wanted something that I could keep in my purse and easily take with me so I could keep track of both professional and personal engagements. Like this:
Well, I decided to treat myself to a new one to start off fresh at a new school. I got the Hardcover 18-month planner. It provides more room for notes, but has the same setup, and has an address section. There are also little folders in the back for extra stuff (I kept post-it notes). There is just no other planner out there that provides this layout. I LOVE having just 1 week at a time laid out with the perfect amount of space for each day. But! I love the notes page on the right even more.
It's like Christmas...
Hello new friend...
So crisp and clean
Old & Busted - - - New Hotness

Did I mention it only took 2 days to arrive? Bonus. Check out their website for other styles and journals (like a recipe journal, wine journal, music journal!).
7/22/2010 12:54:45 am

Hmmm I will have to check out this website. Sadly, I don't really have a need for a planner so it would just be for fun. I never have enough going on that I can't just keep a mental list... I'm not sure if that means I have a good memory or I'm just lame, though I prefer to belive the former....


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